IA - Criterion E

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Criterion E: Evaluation

Criterion E focuses on the comprehensive evaluation of the product against the Criteria for Success established in Criterion A. This involves analyzing the product’s effectiveness, incorporating client/advisor feedback, and suggesting meaningful, realistic improvements for future development. The aim is to reflect critically on the solution and outline potential enhancements that extend beyond unfulfilled success criteria.

Key Components of Criterion E

1. Evaluation of the Solution Against Success Criteria

Table Example (Optional Format):

Success Criterion Met/Not Met Evidence and Explanation
The login system ensures secure access. Met The product successfully implements hashed password storage and validation. Demonstrated in the functionality video.

Important Considerations:

2. Incorporating Client/Advisor Feedback

Example (Extended Writing Style):
The client indicated that while the system’s core functionalities met initial requirements, the inability to update records dynamically without refreshing hindered overall efficiency. This feedback aligns with the second success criterion, which was not fully achieved during testing. Moving forward, optimizing database performance for real-time updates is essential to address this concern.

3. Recommendations for Future Development

Example (Extended Writing Style):
To enhance the product’s functionality and meet evolving client needs, implementing a reporting dashboard would significantly improve data accessibility. The dashboard could display key metrics, such as user activity and system performance, in real-time. This feature addresses the client’s feedback regarding the lack of data visualization tools, which would allow for more informed decision-making. By integrating libraries such as Matplotlib (Python) or JavaFX charts (Java), the dashboard can be developed with minimal additional resources while providing substantial value to the client.

4. Combined Word Count


Evaluation of the Product

Recommendations for Improvement

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